Nativities, One Direction, Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them | Little Love 50/52


Its Friday, and it can only mean one thing.. Little Love time. This is my favourite part of the week, it lets me reflect on all the little things I have loved.

This week has been full of last minute to-do’s.. Nativities and a mad dash to minor injuries!

Without to much waffling, this is what I have been loving this week…


This week I read that Sian over at Potty Mouthed Mummy has decided to let go of her blog and back away from it. I was generally really upset when I read it as I love her and her blog, she really did write from the heart and I hope one day she will be back. Her blog will be missed very much. She will still be on Instagram which I was pleased to hear about!


Moo had her big Mary moment this week and although it was a non-speaking part she did so well, putting her all into all the songs. H too had his big part as a shepherd and for a first timer at standing on a stage reciting lines he was amazing! He sang with all his heart and really did do so well. Made mama proud!

I also watched this… Good ole James Corden and the 1D boys..

AND this was released this week… Oh I am so excited!


Christmas tunes. Last week the tree went up and we had christmas songs on repeat and it felt good. Now the tree is up it definitely feels very much like christmas! You cannot listen to the radio with a christmas song coming on!


My winter coat has taken a back seat and my poncho has made a re-appearance! I cannot believe the mild weather and yesterday was rather warm, I went out without a coat or poncho!


I made an Eton Mess for dessert on Sunday. I was going to put up a quick recipe but the blog has been a tad neglected again this week! I will post it up next week!

‘And lastly..’

Yesterday I got that dreaded call from the school that H had, had an accident. It was just after drop off and I was half way home so it had happened within 10 minutes of me leaving. I quickly drove back to find H pale and bandaged up. He had managed to fall over and cut his head open and his lip and nose was a little damaged! The school were concerned they couldn’t stop the bleeding! Thankfully by the time I got there it had calmed down and a quick trip to minor injuries to get it glued and cleaned up was needed. Thankfully he is ok and has a nasty cut and a few bumps and scratches!

Have a lovely week!

I am linking up with the ever so lovely Morgana over at her new blog Coffee Work Sleep Repeat  for this linky,

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8 thoughts on “Nativities, One Direction, Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them | Little Love 50/52

  1. Notmyyearoff says:

    Ouch, glad H is ok by that must have been a bit heart stopping when you had to rush back really quickly. I need to watch 1D in the car, i keep seeing the video everywhere but not clicked it yet! 🙂

    • Mummy Hearts You says:

      Definitely watch the video! It’s very good.. The call was a heart stopping moment indeed! When your not with them it’s always worse when they hurt themselves!

  2. thenthefunbegan says:

    Oh I hope I never get that call! Scary, but I’m glad H is OK after his ordeal. I didn’t realise Sian had shut down her blog – sad news but happy for her if it was bringing her down. I watched that 1D/Corden clip on Morgana’s blog and it is really funny. My six year old stood on stage and remembered both his lines too (which was a relief after the silent tumbleweed moment last year 🙂 ) Have a great weekend Xx #littleloves

  3. Jenny @ Let's Talk Mommy says:

    Oh no bless that’s so scary to get a call like that and glad H is ok. 1D clip is hilarious. Sad to see Sian stop blogging no one should ever feel like that enough to get rid of all that amazing hard work and great writing. boo. Happy Holidays #littleloves

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