Its Beginning To Look A lot Like Christmas


When December fell upon us, I was no where near ready for it. I wanted it still to be mid year. Its flown by this year and we have had so many ups and downs and I just wasn’t ready for all the hustle and bustle that December brought.

We are now Mid-December and its taken some time, but finally its starting to look very much like christmas. This weekend we took the short walk to the garden centre and picked out our tree. Mr B carried the thing back and we spent Saturday morning decking it out with baubles and lights. Our house is officially ready for christmas and I can honestly say, I cannot wait now. I absolutely love my decorations this year the tree is a little mismatched but I kinda like that! Kids did good this year. I was a bit over protective of some of the baubles, but then I let them go wild with everything else.

Moo and H are so excited, opening the door to the advent calendar each morning to revel a picture and to get that single piece of chocolate before breakfast. They are both counting down the sleeps and are forever asking when Christmas Day is. This is why I love Christmas, the excitement in their faces and the joy it brings.

Over the next few weeks, I have tasked my self with the wrapping of presents while they are at school and I am feeling slightly giddy about it. It feels like the excitement has appeared over night and I like the feeling. The christmas vibes are finally here.

We have a busy Christmas this year, visiting family and enjoying the festivities with our loved ones. With lots of children in the family its going to be, busy, loud and most likely a little hectic, but it works and at the end of the day, its all for the children. To see their faces light up at the magic of it all.


Favourite Blog Posts, Homeland, Comfort Food | Little Love 49/52


Its Friday, and it can only mean one thing.. Little Love time. This is my favourite part of the week, it lets me reflect on all the little things I have loved.

This week has been complete and utter madness. I have not blogged one bit and I feel so guilty I have not given the time. Its been a whirlwind of events, sickness and christmas prep! I will be thankful for some downtime and a moment to stop and get my bearings.

Without to much waffling, this is what I have been loving this week…


I have read lots this week. Blogs have been my goal and I think I have managed it. My favourite reads this week, were firstly Katie’s post about her gorgeous new kitchen makeover, which is just beautiful, so airy and fresh! I have severe kettle and toaster envy!

Secondly,  love a good pregnancy announcement and there have been lots over the last few weeks. I always enjoy reading and sometimes watching if a video has been made pregnancy news. Chloe from Sorry About The Mess posted this up this week and it made me smile. Adore the video!


I started on Blindspot this week. Its intriguing to say the least. I am a few episodes behind at the moment so have a few to catch up on.

I am so behind on Homeland too, I think we have 4 episode on the planner still to watch, but now The Walking Dead has finished we will catch up in no time!




This is the only time this particular artist will probably ever make an appearance on the blog, I am a little embarrassed about actually saying I like the song, but there is something about it {no judging please!}

I have also been listening to this too



I went out last week Friday and I wore a new top I bought. I actually forgot to take a picture which is unlike me!

My gloves have made a regular appearance this week. It has been so cold and windy my poor hands are suffering. I hate the effect in has on my hands, makes them sore and cracked..


Lots of comfort food this week, lasagnes, shepherds pie, curries.. I love getting in from the cold and tucking into a nice dinner that has been cooking all day. Definitely winter warmers from now on.

‘And lastly..’

This weekend we are putting our tree up {finally!} I am hoping it gets me in the mood for christmas. I have bought a few decorative items and I am leaning towards the christmas spirit, but until that tree goes up I don’t think I will be quite there!

Have a lovely week!

I am linking up with the ever so lovely Morgana over at her new blog Coffee Work Sleep Repeat  for this linky,

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Christmas Adverts, Mid-Season Finales, Cheeky Purchases | Little Love 48/52

Its Friday, and it can only mean one thing.. Little Love time. This is my favourite part of the week, it lets me reflect on all the little things I have loved.

I am normally so well prepared for Little Loves but if I am honest I have literally thrown together a post at the last minute. Its been a stressful week with the start of it in A&E with H. Luckily nothing too serious but with a bad bout of croup and lack of sleep its been a whirlwind. I am looking forward to some down time this weekend..

Without to much waffling, this is what I have been loving this week…


Lets just skip this one shall we…. Will try better next week!


The Mid-Season finale of The Walking Dead… I am speechless at how much has gone on this season, and they have left it with so much to dwell on for the next few months! So far I am loving this series and I cannot wait for the introduction to Negan who is being payed by Jeffrey Dean Morgan {Denny  Duquette for those Greys Anatomy fans!}

I am glued to this years Im A Celeb and although at first I liked Lady C, I am glad she walked, she was lazy and caused quite a stir in camp!

I have about 4 episodes of Homeland to watch, I am a bit behind! I will try and catch up over the weekend!


Ive been hearing this a lot on the TV and I am liking it more and more I hear it! Another Christmas Avert tune..



For the first half of the week, I wore my pjs. H was not very well and I kept him off school. Luckily some lovely friends offered to take Moo to school for me and drop her back home.

I have yet to wear it but tonight I am off out for a girly evening and I have bought a few new tops, so expect big things on next weeks Little Love!


Moo made some gingerbread-men at school this week.. It was all in the aid of rising money for the school. Our schools version of the PTA set up a christmas bazaar and it was really successful! I normally find things like this really stressful, but this year I helped and found that my stress levels were kept to a minimum.. I wasn’t caught up int he crowds and was safely behind a desk!

‘And lastly..’

I blogged this week about it being December and how I am not feeling the festive cheer just yet. This week we managed to finally get all the shopping done and I feel a lot easier about things, but I still need to get in the mood. I am really not sure whats going on this year, normally as soon as December hits us, I am in full festive swing! I am hoping by next weekend I will be a bit

Have a lovely week!

I am linking up with the ever so lovely Morgana over at her new blog Coffee Work Sleep Repeat  for this linky,

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So Very Proud…


Since Moo started swimming I have seen a huge improvement with her confidence. She has come on so far and the year has been taken up with learning new skills.

I watch her religiously, every Monday we make the 20 minute drive to the pool and we say goodbye as she enters. I sit and watch from the gallery with a sense of pride that she can do this.

Moo struggled at first and I did wonder if I was doing the right thing, paying out for lessons that she really wasn’t getting much from. The deep end was not her favourite place and a little mis-hap where she lost her bearings sent her confidence down-hill and it took some while to get them back up. It didn’t help she had grommets inserted, not wanting to get her ears wet was a huge thing for her and it took time to adjust to ear plugs and bands around her head.

We went on holiday this summer and although she still used a ring, we managed to get her jumping in the deep end by the end of the week. This was a huge improvement, but the battle now was that we had to take that ring away and she had no comfort blanket to help her when back in lessons.

This week, she blew me away. I really can’t put into words just how proud I was, and still am. Moo is most confident on her back and she could swim for miles and miles on it. Her front crawl is ok but a little weaker than her back-stroke. She has been nailing a width every week on her front, but you can see how out of breath she is when she gets to the other side. I didn’t think they would be pushing her to do a length anytime soon.

But they did, and she did it, the whole way, without stopping, continuous, on her front.

I wanted to bang on the glass to get her attention, {but that would of been a tad embarrassing!} I wanted to jump up and down and yell she did it {but again, even more embarrassing!} So I silently sat there, a beaming smile spread across my face, willing her lesson to end so I could tell her how amazing she was, and when it did, I didn’t stop telling her. She didn’t get the realness of what she had done, and fair enough, its not that big, but she made me so proud.

So very proud that I am lucky enough to be her mummy…



Is It Really December?


My Facebook feed has been full of christmas post, christmas photo’s and lots of pictures of trees..

I am sat here in disbelief that we are in December, I want to know where this year has gone, I want to know why it has decided to fly by at the rate of knots.

I am not ready, I mean, we have started christmas shopping and talking about plans for the big day, but mentally I don’t feel ready. I find myself stressed about it this year. I am not sure if its because Moo and H expect big things, they are both so very much aware and have been on countdown since Moo’s birthday last month. I want to make it a good one, this year has been, lets just say, testing at times and although they are unaware of the bad thats happened, I want to make it good.

We normally put our tree up Mid-December, I think that is substantial leading up to the christmas period, but this year I have seen people putting their decorations up Mid-November, really? I think I am a bit scrooge like when things start appearing in November. For someone that isn’t ready, thats far too early.

I am hoping that I get into the spirit soon, I currently have an unwell boy and I am concentrating on getting him better. I am hoping that come December 12th {when the tree will go up} I will be a lot more chilled and a lot more happier about christmas.

It feels strange, normally as soon as December hits us, I am all for it and greet it with open arms, but this year, its taking some time. The same question is rolling round my head, the same four words keep escaping my mouth “is it really December”


The Tough Parts Of Parenting


As I type this I am currently sat in children’s a&e with a poorly H. 12pm and waiting for a doctor seems like a never ending outcome. As he struggles for breath I realise this, right here has to be the hardest part of being a parent. I’m looking around and I see the fear in every parents face and I know that I am not the only one who is feeling scared.

H had quite a severe attack in the summer and it resulted in a mad dash to hospital in an ambulance. The diagnosis was an allergic reaction. All weekend he has said to me he hasn’t felt good, he had a headache and was feeling under the weather. I gave him medicine and let it be.

Fast forward to 11pm and I can hear a little boy fighting for breath. The sound every parent dreds. A sharp cry and rattly rasps were not of the ordinary. We decided to have him in our bed and I lay there for over 20 minutes listening to him hoping it would get better. I knew better and I knew I should of done it straight away. I called for help, those dreaded three numbers.

We were being seen to quickly and the diagnosis was a trip to the hospital again. I decided to drive this time as getting home was pretty horrendous last time. I arrived and my heart sank at the amount of young children that took up the children’s a&e. It was going to be a long wait. It was a long wait.

5 hours of waiting and a diagnosis of Croup. We arrive back home at 4:30 and with very little sleep, mummy duties continue. School runs and back home looking after a very tired, sick little boy.

These parts of parenting are hard, helpless and the moments I find the toughest. It puts your parenting skills to the test and when you come out the other side you realise just how difficult being a parent is.

But would I change it? Never…

Weekly Round-Up #17

I really enjoy typing up these posts as it gets me reflecting on the week just passed. Its been a while since I posted one and I really need to get into a routine of getting them up weekly! Here is what we have been busy doing this week.

Sunday we went to the in-laws for dinner and on days like this I like to be organised for when we return home. I managed to get the school uniform ironed and lunches prepped. I like to come home and not have to rush around getting everything together. We had lunch and enjoyed the company of Mr B’s family. I look forward to every other Sunday purely for this. Once home I had a nice soak in the bath!

It was a busy day Monday. I went to see my sister as usual and we had to pop into town as my kettle had broken! {Oh the pain} I saw one online I really liked so I went to go and purchase it, but I couldn’t find it anywhere! Typical. I ended up buying a bog standard cream kettle. I headed back with my sister and had lunch at hers. We both had meetings at our schools so was a short visit. I joined in with our version of the PTA. Once Pick up was done we headed straight to swimming. Moo has come on so far and I adore watching her. I find it fascinating how quickly she has picked it all up. She had to swim lengths this week!!

Tuesday I was on a mission to clean the upstairs. Beds were changed, floors were cleared and the hoovering was accomplished! It felt good not to have a little person badgering me and I was able to get it all done! I normally do big jobs like this at weekends {why I don’t know!} I picked Moo and H up from school and returned home for a quick hour as we had to get back to the doctors for H to have his flu nasal spray! He took it well. I had to dash out in the evening as my sister called with news her little boy had, had an accident. I picked her up from work and drove her home, thankfully all was ok!

On Wednesday, once Moo and H were at school I chilled on the sofa. I managed to catch up with TV. Its nice not to have to do things sometimes! Moo and H finished school and we got home and chilled some more!

Lots to do on Thursday! Mr B was off work and it was our shopping day for Christmas. With Moo and H dropped of at school we headed straight to the shops, with no clue what to get we were a little lost! We spent all day out and about and by the time we picked the children up we were both a little frazzled and desperate for a cup of tea! Mr B had a quick doctors appointment and after being out all day and not doing the food shop we had a cheeky McDonalds tea!

Friday was another manic day, Mr B was still off, so he did the school run for me. Its always nice to have a break sometimes. We went food shopping and then decided to go on the hunt for a Lego advent calendar.. We have left it far too late and unfortunately were unable to find one! Slightly annoyed I have left it to the last minute!! Moo was at a friends house for tea so we picked H up and headed home. We chilled on the sofa and I cooked tea of gammon and mini garlic potatoes, was really good! I picked Moo up and when she got in she asked to go straight to bed! She looked really tired and I think she was having some effect from the nasal flu spray she had had at school the previous day!

Total chill day on Saturday. Mr B was working and we stayed in our pjs all day. I wasn’t feeling great with a headache and sore throat thanks to Moo and her cold she has had. I managed to get all the washing done and hung up, it always feels good when you get on top of the laundry! Moo wanted to go to bed, extra early, but I hung her out, we had a tea of sausage and chips and a night of Im A Celeb and Strictly!

Nativity’s, Little Mix, Christmas Prep | Little Love 47/52

Its Friday, and it can only mean one thing.. Little Love time. This is my favourite part of the week, it lets me reflect on all the little things I have loved.

Without to much waffling, this is what I have been loving this week…


I read the Moo will be Mary in the christmas nativity! Im was so pleased when I found out! H is going to be a Shepherd in his little show and I cannot wait to see them both. I had to buy Moo’s outfit and  it looks more like a frozen outfit than a Mary outfit!


I watched the mid-season finale of How To Get Away With Murder and I am reeling from the events of this season. So much has happened and its been left on a huge cliff-hanger and I am not sure I can wait till February {I am going to have too!}

I also have been watching The Affair. Its so intriguing and although its not morally right, its such an addictive watch. If you haven’t seen it, try and download from Sky. I watched the first season in a couple of days and currently on season two. Definitely one to watch.

The walking dead!!!!!!!! I knew it… I am so glad all is well with a certain someone {I won’t give any spoilers away!} Next week is its mid-season finale and I cannot wait to see what happens before it takes its break.


Last week I caught the end of Adele on BBC with Graham Norton. I was not initially a fan of “Hello” when it was first released but its grown on me. She sang this on the BBC documentary and I have been listening to it a lot ever since. She has such a calming voice.

Another song thats been playing a lot thanks to Moo is Little Mix.. Its a rather catchy tune and I feel way to old to be singing along to it, but I do it for the kids {honest!}


Really bad this week… Not much of any interest. Its turned so cold so the Uggs have made a permanent appearance and the gloves have been dug out.


I made a coconut sponge cake this week. I have posted up the recipe here if you want to grab a look. It was so moist and definitely one I will be making again.

‘And lastly..’

We started christmas shopping this week.. I am not feeling the christmas love at the moment {post coming next week!} I really don’t feel excited about it. I found shopping really stressful and last night collapsed on the sofa with sore feet. Im hoping the christmas bug soon hits me {maybe on the 1st!}

Have a lovely week!

I am linking up with the ever so lovely Morgana over at her new blog Coffee Work Sleep Repeat  for this linky,

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Life Lately | Health


I still get that overwhelming sense of confusion when it comes to my health. I find it quite surreal what the last few months have thrown at us, but things are looking up and the saying “think positive” seems to be working.

I had a follow up appointment after my operation in September ands given the all clear. Its quite a lovely feeling knowing that I have nothing untoward growing inside me. Its still a little bewildering that there ever was anything wrong.

Last week I had my first plastics appointment. It didn’t actually go to plan and I found out a few things that were not actually disclosed to me in the follow up.

Unfortunately due to work commitments I had to go to this appointment on my own. I was to bothered about it to be honest, but sitting in the waiting room with a delay on the appointment does nothing for your wandering mind. I actually wished I had someone there to listen in as well, I tend to go blank in these situations and my nerves were starting to get the better of me as time ticked by.

I was seen by the surgeon who carried out the procedure. Judging by the look on his face he wasn’t entirely happy with his work and he promptly went on to say “what an ugly scar” Now this sounds harsh, but I have felt like this for a while, its red, bumpy and generally not nice to look. I was thankful that someone actually agreed with me.. After inspecting it for some time with a turned up nose, he gave me instructions on what to do and what use on it. He showed me a massaging technic, which I find difficult as the scar its self is still so sore, which according to the surgeon, shouldn’t be. Its very red and vet angry so I am hoping that these little tips will help. I am currently using some scar cream on it twice a day but I don’t see an improvement yet.

He then went on to tell me the results, which I knew as I had been to a follow up appointment, I let him tell me and I was actually shocked to find out I had been told the wrong information in my last appointment. It was still good news but it could of potentially been a lot worse.

For those that don’t know, my first mole was cancerous and whilst I went in for a clean up, I had a second mole removed which “had the potential” to change. I was told that it was actually changing, and this took me by surprise. I am so lucky I had it taken of in the first place as I dread to think what could of been if I didn’t.

For now I have a few months wait for my next appointment. This time with the cancer doctors and it will be my first official appointment since being giving the all clear. I have a few moles I want checked out as I am not happy with them, especially as in the summer they will be full view of the sun. But till then I wait, I am not a fan of waiting…

Victoria Coconut Sponge Cake | Recipe


Baking is a huge passion of mine, I don’t do it often enough to be honest, but when I do I really enjoy it. Last weekend it was my mums partners birthday and I decided to make a birthday cake for him. It was a basic Victoria Sponge recipe but I had so much coconut in the cupboard and tubs of butter cream form Moo’s birthday cake I decided to make it up as I went along. It turned out rather well.


  • 225g butter
  • 225g self raising flour
  • 22gg caster sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 level teaspoons baking powder
  • 3 drops of almond essence
  • butter-cream {I had some left over Betty Crocker vanilla butter-cream}
  • coconut {enough to cover the top of the cake}
  • raspberry jam


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 170° line and grease two cake tins
  2. Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the four, baking powder and eggs and combine until you have a creamy cake mix. Drizzle in the almond essence and stir in. Pour into the two cake tins {I normally make two separate mixes as I know then that I have exactly the same measurements in each tin, I am useless at dividing the mixture}
  3. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Leave to cool and then turn out onto a wire rack and leave to cool.
  5. Spread the butter-cream on one of the cakes and sandwich them together.
  6. Spread a thin layer of jam over the top of the cake and sprinkle over the coconut
  7. Serve